


Public Function delete_product_bin(ByVal bin_objid As Long, _

                                   ByVal user_name As String, _

                                   ByVal delete_date As String) As Integer





This API allows you to delete an existing product bin. The bin must be empty (no child bins or child site_parts), and cannot be the deinstall (special) bin.  You may also specify who deleted the product bin, and when.





Parameter Name                Required?             Description                                                                                                          

bin_objid                               Yes                         Objid of the bin to delete

user_name                             No                           Name of the user who deleted the bin. If blank, the current user is used  

delete_date                           No                           When was the bin deleted. If blank, the current date/time is used





Value                                     Meaning                                                                                                                                               

0                                              No errors

-1                                             Could not locate the "Deleted" activity log string

-2                                             The specified bin could not be located

-3                                             The specified bin contains one or more child bins and cannot be deleted

-4                                             The specified bin contains one or more child site parts and cannot be deleted

-5                                             The specified bin is a special bin, and cannot be deleted

-6                                             Could not locate the specified user name






·         Delete bin 268435460. Deleted by "Joe" on 1/1/2005.


Visual Basic:


Dim ret_int    As Integer


ret_int = fcinter.delete_product_bin(268435460, "joe", "1/1/2005")






var ret_int = fcinter.delete_product_bin(268435460, "joe", "1/1/2005");